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i've never had the patience to make sourdough the old way like this, though my family used to have a starter every summer when i was a child. i've learned how to make naan and quick breads instead. they usually only take up to 2-3 hours, which is almost nothing compared to the time for sourdough. but reading this has made me wonder if, perhaps when i move back to my home province, i might get a nice ceramic pot to make some starter in. here's to bread, and here's to doing things on our own time!


excellent essay!
furious at how we're all inclined/educated to not question artificial clock constraints
also thank's for the recipee (I love sourdought bread <3)


this ensures that i'll never bake bread

but it really ups my appreciation for those who do

and 100% agree on work should only be as long as to carry out the necessary tasks


i like bread and also rockets <3


Lovely :) This made me smile and want to bake myself some bread :)


A lovely journey of bread and thoughts!


Nice story, +1


5/5 would bake again


Wonderful stuff (both sourdough bread in general and this essay in particular). Loved the digressions.